Gonis Corals

Gonis Corals in Orlando FL

"Gonis Corals for Sale in the USA: Explore Stunning Varieties for Your Reef Aquarium"

Are you on the hunt for stunning Gonis corals to enhance your reef aquarium in the USA? Look no further! We offer a wide range of Gonipora corals for sale, each as unique and vibrant as the underwater world itself. In this guide, we'll explore the fascinating world of Gonis corals and provide you with valuable information to make your reef tank thrive.

  • A Beautiful Gonis Coral Frag


What are Gonis Corals?

Gonis corals, short for Gonipora corals, are a popular choice among reef aquarium enthusiasts. These captivating corals belong to the Euphylliidae family and are often referred to as "flowerpot corals" due to their appearance. They are prized for their beautiful, intricate polyps, which come in a variety of colors, making them a fantastic addition to any reef tank.

Why Choose Gonis Corals?

Aesthetically Pleasing

Gonis corals are known for their vibrant and eye-catching appearance. They come in various colors, including shades of green, pink, purple, and orange, adding a stunning visual dimension to your reef tank.

Ease of Care

Gonipora corals are relatively easy to care for, making them an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced reef keepers. They require moderate lighting and water flow, and their feeding requirements are manageable.


Gonis corals can coexist with a variety of other coral species, allowing you to create a diverse and colorful reef ecosystem in your aquarium.

Growth and Fragging

These corals have the potential to grow and can be fragged to expand your collection or share with fellow reef enthusiasts.

Our Gonis Corals Collection

At Speed Reefer Corals, we take pride in offering a wide range of Gonis corals for sale in the USA. Our corals are handpicked for their health and vibrancy, ensuring that you receive the best quality specimens for your reef tank. Explore our collection today to find the perfect Gonipora coral to complement your aquarium's aesthetics.

Gonis Corals Care Tips

To keep your Gonis corals healthy and thriving, here are some essential care tips:


Provide moderate to high lighting, such as T5 or LED lights. Ensure that the coral receives appropriate light intensity to support photosynthesis.

Water Flow

Maintain a moderate water flow in your aquarium. Gonipora corals prefer gentle and consistent water movement.


While they have photosynthetic capabilities, Gonis corals benefit from supplemental feedings. You can offer them a variety of small, meaty foods such as zooplankton or coral-specific foods.

Water Parameters

Maintain stable water parameters, including temperature, salinity, and pH levels. Regular water testing and maintenance are crucial for the well-being of your corals.

Gonis corals are a fantastic addition to any reef tank, bringing color and elegance to your underwater oasis. If you're searching for Gonis corals for sale in the USA, Speed Reefer Corals is your go-to source for vibrant and healthy specimens. Explore our collection and transform your reef aquarium into a breathtaking underwater masterpiece with the beauty of Gonipora corals. For more information and to browse our selection, visit our website today!

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